Approaches and methods in language teaching

This page provides links to articles about methods and approaches In language teaching. But before we provide the list of these articles, let’s first attempt to define what approach, method, and technique mean.

Methods And Approaches In Language Teaching

Methods and approaches
Methods and approaches

Here are some articles about the major language teaching methods and approaches. But before you start reading about these methods and approaches you might need to deal with definitions of some key concepts so as to make a clear distinction between an approach, methodand a technique.

Read more about methods and approaches.

What Is An Approach?

An approach refers to theories about the nature of language and language learning that serve as the source of language teaching practices and principles.

Theory of language refers to how language is viewed (i.e., structural, functional…)
Theory of learning refers to how language is learned/acquired (i.e., through repetition and habit formation, through induction, through inferencing and generalization, etc)

An approach is axiomatic. It describes the nature of the subject to be taught.

What Is A Method?

A method is an overall plan for presenting language material. Put differently, a method refers to the way of teaching which is based on an approach.

It is an overall plan for the orderly presentation of language material, no part of which contradicts, and all of which is based upon,  the selected approach.

An approach is axiomatic, a method is procedural. Different methods can derive their philosophy from the same approach.

What Is A Technique?

A technique is a particular stratagem or procedure used to accomplish a particular objective. A technique is implementational and is related to what takes place in a classroom.

Techniques must be consistent with a method and, therefore, in harmony with an approach.

English Language Teaching Methods

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