The Past Perfect Progressive (Continuous)

The Past Perfect Progressive Tense


Understanding verb tenses is a crucial aspect of mastering the English language. In this guide, we’ll delve into the intricacies of the past perfect progressive tense, providing a clear definition, its various forms, and practical examples to aid English Language learners in grasping this complex yet essential aspect of grammar.

What Is The Past Perfect Progressive Tense

The past perfect progressive tense, also known as the past perfect continuous tense, refers to the duration of an event that took place before a specific point in the past. It is constructed by combining “had been” with the present participle of the verb (-ing form).

Forms Of The Past Perfect Continuous:

hadbeenverb +ing

Here is an example of the forms of the verb ‘work’ in the Past Perfect Continuous:

I had been working.I had not been working.Had I been working?
You had been working.You had not been working.Had you been working?
He had been working.He had not been working.Had he been working?
She had been working.She had not been working.Had she been working?
It had been working.It had not been working.Had it been working?
We had been working.We had not been working.Had we been working?
You (plural) had been working.You (plural) had not been working.Had you (plural) been working?
They had been working.They had not been working.Had they been working?


  • You had been waiting there for more than two hours when she finally arrived.
  • Had you been waiting there for more than two hours when she finally arrived?
  • You had not been waiting there for more than two hours when she finally arrive.

Use Of The Past Perfect Continuous:

past perfect continuous

Here are the uses of the past perfect continuous:

  1. Showing Duration Until Another Action:
    • We had been playing soccer when the accident occurred.
  2. Expressing Duration in the Past:
    • I had been living in that small town for three years before I moved to New York.
  3. Indicating Cause and Effect:
    • I was so tired. I had been revising my lessons for hours.

Examples Sentences With The past Perfect Progressive

Here are 15 example sentences using the past perfect continuous tense:

  1. She felt exhausted because she had been studying all night for her exams.
  2. Had they been waiting at the restaurant for a long time before the chef arrived?
  3. I could tell he was a dedicated athlete; he had been training diligently for months.
  4. By the time the train arrived, we had been standing on the platform for nearly an hour.
  5. The garden looked stunning because the gardeners had been working on it tirelessly.
  6. Had you been driving for a long time when your car finally broke down?
  7. They had been living in the old farmhouse for over a decade before they decided to move.
  8. I apologized to my friend because I had been teasing her lately.
  9. Before the storm hit, the birds had been singing cheerfully in the peaceful countryside.
  10. How long had she been working on that intricate painting before it was finally complete?
  11. The children were exhausted; they had been playing in the park for hours.
  12. We realized we had been using the wrong address when the package didn’t arrive.
  13. Had the construction workers been drilling all morning before the noise suddenly stopped?
  14. She had been searching for her misplaced keys for hours before finding them in her bag.
  15. By the time we reached the summit, we had been hiking for six challenging hours.


The past perfect progressive, also known as the past perfect continuous, is used to express the duration of an action that occurred before a specific point in the past. It is formed by combining “had been” with the present participle (-ing form) of the verb. This essential tense is pivotal in conveying the temporal relationship between two past events

More about the past perfect continuous here.

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Tags: English Tenses LessonsGrammar FundamentalsPast Tenses
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