The Great Wall Of China

Reading Comprehension About The Great Wall of China
Reading Comprehension About The Great Wall of China

Unraveling the Myths and Magnificence of the Great Wall of China

Reading Comprehension About The Great Wall of China
The Great Wall of China

The Great Wall of China, one of the most remarkable wonders of the world, boasts a rich history dating back to the third century BC. Originally constructed as separate walls by various states, it wasn’t until the Qin Dynasty that these walls were unified into the monumental structure we know today. Emperor Qin Shihuang spearheaded this endeavor, orchestrating the joining of the walls to create a formidable barrier protecting the northern borders of the Chinese Empire from potential invasions. Over the centuries, the Great Wall underwent numerous reconstructions and maintenance efforts, spanning from the 5th century BC to the 16th century.

Despite its awe-inspiring size and historical significance, the Great Wall of China is often subject to myths and misconceptions. One prevalent myth suggests that the Great Wall is the only man-made structure visible from the moon with the naked eye. This legend originated from Richard Halliburton’s 1938 book “Second Book of Marvels.” However, this claim has been debunked by astronauts such as Neil Armstrong and Yang Liwei. They have contradicted Halliburton’s assertion, stating that the Great Wall is not visible from the moon. Rather, it may be visible from a low orbit of the Earth, a viewpoint from which many other artificial constructions can also be seen.

The myth surrounding the visibility of the Great Wall from the moon highlights the enduring fascination and mystique associated with this architectural marvel. While it may not be visible from the lunar surface, its grandeur and historical significance continue to captivate people around the world, cementing its status as an enduring symbol of human ingenuity and perseverance.

Source: Wikipedia


  1. The Great Wall of China was first built as a single wall.
    a. True
    b. False
  2. The Great Wall of China
    a. was built in a single dynasty.
    b. was refurbished during its history.
  3. The Great Wall was first designed
    a. to protect the Empire from invasion.
    b. to help trade between different provinces.
  4. The wall can be seen from the moon with the naked eye.
    a. True.
    b. False.

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