Types of Sentence Exercises with Answers

Types of Sentence Exercises with Answers


In English, sentences can be classified based on their purpose and structure. They can be either declarative, interrogative, imperative, or exclamatory.

Please do the following types of sentence exercises and click the button to check your answers!


  • Before starting the exercises, review the definitions of the four types of sentences or just jump to the quick recap at the end of this post.
  • Do the type of sentences exercises:
    • Exercise 1: Read each sentence carefully and determine its type.
    • Exercise 2: Transform the sentences to the suggested types.

Types of Sentence Exercises

Quiz Time For English Learners
Quiz Time For English Learners: Types of Sentences Exercises with Answers

Exercise 1: Identify the Sentence Type

Read the sentences below and label them as declarative, interrogative, imperative, or exclamatory.

Exercise 2: Convert Sentences into Different Types

Rewrite the given sentences in three other forms.

Quick Recap of Types of Sentences

To summarize, the four types of sentences are:

  • Declarative: Makes a statement (I enjoy playing soccer.)
  • Interrogative: Asks a question (Do you like pizza?)
  • Imperative: Gives a command or request (Close the window.)
  • Exclamatory: Expresses strong emotion (That’s incredible!)
Tags: Exercises on Language Structures and Usage
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